Water Treatment Solutions.
FRC was established in 1979 and has over 40 years of experience in industrial wastewater treatment, focused mainly on the food, manufacturing, municipal and oil & gas industries. FRC was bought over by Sulzer Chemtech in 2018. FRC can provide a full turnkey solution, or it can provide single equipment pieces, dependent on the client’s needs.
Click the interactive diagram below for further information.


-Rotary drum screens
- Self-cleaning externally fed – suitable for oils & fats screening
- Self-cleaning internally fed – suitable for high flows, low solids content
-Band screens
- Suitable for fine solids removal >= 3mm
Read more: https://www.frcsystems.com/products/screens/
CPI Unit

Corrugated Plate Interceptor (CPI)
- Low capital cost
- Low operating cost
- Small footprint
- Medium capitol cost
- Low operating cost
- Handles high oil loads
- High capital and operating cost
- Handles high oil and hydraulic loads
Read more: https://www.frcsystems.com/products/oil-water-separators/

Used for coagulation and flocculation of suspended solids to enhance separation
- Uses static mixing, no moving parts
- Multiple chemical injection ports
- Can be made from various materials of construction as per client needs
Read more: https://www.frcsystems.com/products/flocculators/
DAF Unit

Dissolved Air Flotation is used to remove COD, SS, and fats, oils and grease.
- High Rate DAF is designed for smaller footprint. Read more: https://www.frcsystems.com/products/high-rate-dafs/
- Open Tank DAF is designed for high hydraulic and solids loading. Read more: https://frcsystems.com/products/open-style-dafs/

Belt press system includes chemical preparation, gravity thickening and belt press. The belt press system is stacked which creates a very small footprint.
Read more: https://www.frcsystems.com/products/sludge-dewatering/

MBR and MBBR used for biological removal of BOD/COD, nitrogen, phosphorus.
- MBR uses membrane to remove biomass, resulting in high SS operation and small footprint. Read more: https://www.frcsystems.com/products/mbr/
- MBBR uses carriers to increase surface area for biological growth. Read more: https://www.frcsystems.com/products/mbbr/